Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Good News is...

That most of the people I work around, including Munchies, Loogie Man, and Corn Husker, will be leaving the area within a couple of months. They all work on programs that are not located in this building so they have to move. Too bad. Munchies is smacking ice as I type this. Why can't he keep his lips together when he chews? It's not difficult and it attenuates 90% of the noise caused by crunching.

I wasn't here two seconds this morning when Corn Husker made his notorious sound. I'm like, "really? this early?" And he's done it twice since I've been creating this post.

Loogie Man is out today but yesterday he must have sneezed 938 times, followed by the requisite snorting and readjustment of phlem. it's like he thinks he's in a vacuum and no one else can hear him. He is rather large both in height and girth, and the other day when he got up out of his chair, he let out this sound that made me believe I was at the zoo, overhearing an elephant giving birth. I think we should pool our money and buy him one of those chairs that lift you up and dump you out when you push the button. It will need the heavy-duty hydraulics though.

Today at work we got free ice cream and cokes for not having had an accident for some period of time. Isn't that special? Bet you don't get free goodies where you work.

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